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Environmental Futures

16 April 2013 - Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee (2 pm - 5 pm)

Environmental matters cut across governmental boundaries in many ways.  The authorities in Scotland are already responsible for many environmental issues so that constitutional change may seem to make little difference.  Similarly, the powers in Scotland are limited by the extent to which environmental law comes from the European Union, so that even with independence the scope for Scotland to go its own distinct way would be significantly constrained.  Yet the granting of more powers to Scotland would produce a profound change in the range of mechanisms available to address environmental issues and create significant new legal, administrative and regulatory challenges. 

A series of brief presentations will be followed by an open discussion with the chance to debate the topics mentioned and to raise further matters with the panellists.  The event will close with a wine reception.


Prof. Andrea Ross (University of Dundee)


Prof. Colin T. Reid (University of Dundee)  - What would independence mean for Scotland’s environmental law?

Richard D. Leslie and Kishwar Sarwar (Tods Murray LLP) - A practitioner’s viewpoint

Prof. Christopher Spray (University of Dundee) - The Tweed as an international river basin

Prof. Greg Lloyd (University of Ulster) -  Green taxation in an independent nation

To register for this event, please contact: Ms. Vikki Watson, School of Law, University of Dundee.  There is no charge for attendance.

This event is organised under the auspices of the Scottish Constitutional Futures Forum and the University of Dundee’s Five Million Questions project.