Scottish Broadcasting Commission (2008) Platform for Success
Scottish Government (2009) Opportunities For Broadcasting: Taking Forward Our National Conversation
Salmond, Alex (2012) Speech at the Edinburgh International Television Festival
Royal Society of Edinburgh/British Academy (2013), Enlightening the Debate - Culture and Broadcasting
Schlesinger, Philip (2013), 'Cultural Policy and the Constitutional Question' in Hassan, Gerry and Mitchell, James (eds), After Independence: An Informed Guide to Scotland's Possible Futures for Anyone Who is Pro or Anti Independence, Unsure or Just Generally Curious, Luath Press Ltd
Lambert, Marc (2013), 'Grasping the Fizzle: Culture, Identity and Independence', in Hassan, Gerry and Mitchell, James (eds), After Independence: An Informed Guide to Scotland's Possible Futures for Anyone Who is Pro or Anti Independence, Unsure or Just Generally Curious, Luath Press Ltd
Sutherland, Ewan (2014), A Short Note on the Regulation of Broadcasting in an Independent Scotland